8 Social Media Tips for Avon Reps

1. Start with what you know-

-If your good at Facebook focus your energy on Facebook, Twitter etc. Don't try to tame them all the forms of social media without really being an expert at one.
-Once you feel comfortable at one try starting another. Consider starting a blog, several sites have them for free, Blogger and Wordpress for example.

2. Don't be a robot-

-Personal sells more than links. No one likes to be LINKED at. So, for every 1 Avon link you need to share 4 personal posts. Can be as simple as OMG I just got these new Avon Shoes, or a selfie of you in new Avon Sunglasses. For us, the personal posts sell more. Plus the search engines will notice more of what you post, versus it just going into random robot spam. Companies pay for robots to post links and ads, don't be a robot, be a person who posts what they love about their business. So, use those great links Avon gives us, but make them your own.

3. Post every day

Post at least 1 picture you make (not necessarily a selfie could be a product pic) a habit to post every day. Daily content shows your an alive on not static blog or social media profile, again improving on your searchability in the search engines.

4. Start Blogging

 This is the turtles game. Successful bloggers go once a day, however strive for once a week. Share on all your social media outlets and use the labels portion in the blog template. (Labels are what people use to search for that topic). What do you write about? Your story, why you started selling avon, you favorite products and why, a video of you going and working your business, product reviews, recruiting tips, funny stories, the point is, when your talking about any form of social media, your goal is to provide a large variety of information to attract a variety of people.

5. Use what Avon gave you- Sign up to receive your emails from your customer store. This will notify you of all the cool notifications such as free shipping and % off. Use the links and share buttons in your customer store. You can potentially share any item we sell on Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and Tumbler. Use this sparingly and personalize each post with your own verbiage. Check out the social media center in web office. Update your e-store regularly. By changing it, it will refresh your page and push you up higher in the internet world.

6. Don't be shy

Share what you love! So many times I have heard from Avon reps saying I don't know why I don't make any sales? Yet, when I look on their social media outlets, they don't even share that they sell Avon. Don't be afraid to share the Avon opportunity or your favorite Avon products. The trick is to make sure people know you sell and what you love. So, share that link to your e-store, but tell them what's the best buy this campaign in your post.

7. Diversify & Automate
Once you've conquered your current form of social media. Try another form of social media this week. Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram are all great options. Do the tutorials and learn how to use them. Once you have a great pattern, use Hootsuite or Buffer to auto post all throughout the day so you can plan out your posts. Everytime you post something new, or change things on any of your social media platforms, you go up in the rankings on the search engines as you won't be considered static.

8. Research and Learn
Read, read, read. There are lots of successful Avon bloggers out there. Read books on blogging and adwords. Study what affects google rankings. I suggest following Emily Seagren and looking at her Makeup Marketing Online group. She shares lots of great information to follow.
Bruce Lee once said "Life itself is your teacher, and you are in a state of constant learning."

Stay Tuned more tips to follow!

If you would like to join our Avon team visit www.start.youravon.com and use ref code:jcroteau
It's only $15 to start your own business!


Lancashire Lass said…

Thank you for your insight and information. I found it interesting and helpful
Dannilou Aromas said…

These are great tips. I am based in the UK but this is still really useful.
Would it be ok to share with my team and on my recruitment page?

Danni ��

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