What my kids taught me this summer

Summertime, since I was a child, I always loved the promise of the season. Fun, sleeping in, playing games, cleaning projects, trips, playing in the water, and swimming all filled the days with joy and a little bit less of reality. Every summer seems to squeeze a little more joy of barefoot feet and random surprises throughout the day. As a mom, the moments the summer season gives to us are probably the best gifts of all.

Blessed to be home with my kids, I have been able to learn so much more about them and they have taught me about myself. They have reminded me to not take myself so seriously. My constant cheerleaders, they have pushed me and reassured me while I pushed through the drudges of my first semester in college. My two showed me I'm a pretty dang good mom, and constantly show me and love me every second they get. All the while they embraced the season with arms wide open.

My kids taught me to take a breath. To stop in the middle of something important (at least important at that moment), and play the video game, the board game, or go outside. The random water games and fun outside made it truly an unpredictable summer. In midst of all this fun, I learned a very important lesson, instead of mourning their fast-paced growth, celebrate it. Always wishing they were smaller, I realized I needed to be celebrating how growth has turned them into some amazing human beings. They taught me to relish in the now, instead of the past.

My son taught me how truly funny he really is. His growth has improved his comedic timing, and he is quite the card. He also shone a light on the fact he is walking a very tight line. Between teen and child, in the world of tween, he walks the tightrope. Wanting to enjoy every last minute of being a kid, and wanting to embrace all the privileges growing up can hold. His wide eyes as each new opportunity cross his path inspire me to absorb all that I can. Randomly, he will appear and just give me a hug, I think to remind me he won't grow up too fast.

Striving to strike a path of her own, my daughter blazes her own trail. She refuses to follow the path of least resistance. Her stubbornness taught me to not give up so easily. Although resistance makes parenting interesting, she for sure questions the status quo. Yet, at the same time she is my sidekick. Her heart is huge and she strives to be the helper and compassion gifter in our home. Her fire and warmth taught me to always keep fighting, and love the moments we have.

My lessons I learned this summer? Besides the college classes I took, I learned to not fight the growing up. Although it happens quite fast, constantly wishing it away discounts the present joys. This present stage of embarking upon teen and tweenhood is a fun and challenging stage, allowing for me to be able to speak life into my kids like I never have before. My kids taught me this summer to live in the present, not wish the future wasn't coming fast, nor miss the past. Be here and now and enjoy the life we have. 


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