Making money while in college

As a newly minted college student, I understand how important it is to have several sources of income. Have you looked at the prices of the college textbooks? I remember fifteen years ago being shocked at the $80 per book price, now the average price seems to be $120.

One great way to make money while in college is selling Avon! At a low cost start-up and no need to carry inventory, Avon is great for all the college students looking for the extra cash needed to survive.

Sign up today. Side gig or all in, love the cash and freedom you'll earn!

But, when I discuss this with others, I get several questions. So, here are my answers for the college student who is looking.

  • Does Avon cost a lot? No, in fact it's only $15 to start. You do not have to carry inventory, just brochures. As long as your selling, your books should be covered by your profit, but 10-20 books range from $8-$10. 
  • Do I need to carry an inventory? No, the Avon brochure is your store. So, you only need to have the brochure. Avon has a 100% guarantee so if your customers try a product, you can return it for free.
  • Can my family shop online? In fact, they can. When you sign up Avon gives you a personalized website with an address you can share with your friends and family. The great thing, when your family orders from your website, Avon handles the entire transaction. From ordering, shipping, to paying, your customer can do it 100% online. Once they complete a transaction, you get an email that tells you how much you earned!
  • Does Avon take a lot of time? Most of the college students I talk to really worry about time. Obviously, all the studying and prep work does require a huge time commitment. That's the beauty of Avon, you have an every two week commitment to submit your order. However, you can simply share your books, take their order, and collect their money. On order day, you gather all the orders, submit them together, and pay Avon what you owe. Avon ships it, you bag them and distribute. By the time delivery happens, you will have extra money in your hands to pay for bills and textbooks.
  • Will I have help? Our favorite saying for our teammates is your in business for yourself but not by yourself. We mentor over 100 business owners across the country, and you would be added to that team. Weekly we send emails and updates, as well as updates from Avon corporate. Plus, we have a Facebook team group where you can ask questions and bounce ideas off one another. In our Avon team, you are joining a community of like-minded people looking to create extra incomes for themselves or family.

Are you ready to give Avon a try? From the time you start, you can begin earning. If you have any questions, please fill out the contact me request. If your ready to sign up, CLICK HERE


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