Why I Should/Shouldn't do Avon 39

As most moms, I have always put my kids first. I have constantly put my family and kids first. Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I've always identified with "busy". Well, as we all know when we hit our mid 30's "busy" is not usually a good thing. We do tend to pay for busy a lot more than we intended.

With all the changes this last month, I admittedly put everyone and everything first. Getting us here, moving, unpacking, settling, working the Avon business, kids into school, scouts, soccer, taekwondo, and the list goes on and on and on... Then, the holidays hit and our 1st SNOW season. For desert rats, this was quite the experience. All my muscles hurt all the time and just regular days took tremendous effort.

Now, after the clouds have cleared, I realized I have not really focused on my physical health. I have been more concerned about being there for my kids now and feeling like after 30 something years I need to be more proactive in this I set a goal for myself. Getting away from myself, I want to do something bigger than myself.

In early 2017, I will participate in the Avon 39 Walk for Breast Cancer. We are looking at the Washington DC or Boston walk. This 39 mile, two day walk raises funds to directly attack breast cancer. (More information please visit www.Avon39.org )
Now, as for any goal research, I layout the Pros and the Cons. As a perpetual realist, let me share my cons first.

1. I work at home.
Working from home I automatically assume every minute of every day not dedicated to my work should be dedicated to my wee ones. Now, as we all know this is not strong logic, as eventually we burn out. However, I can logic myself out of it.

2. I tore my achilles tendon.
In HIGH SCHOOL, I tore my achilles tendon. Anything active just kills my joints and knees. I'm only barely approaching my "mid-thirties" and there are very painful days. This alone keeps me away from "workouts".

3. I'm already busy.
My kids are very involved in school, soccer, taekwondo, and both are scouts. I am constantly running from point a to point b. I get plenty of exercise hauling bags, coats, chairs, and various things to these events. Plus, don't forget I am an Avon lady. I'm always running to and from to my client's homes to do deliveries, hauling boxes, and carrying lots of product. I barely have a chance to breath.

4. I'll miss TV
I am a TV addict. I watch tons of it, I will admit. Several hours have I spent doing other activities to justify my TV time. If I do Avon 39 I have to give up time, the only me time I have!

5. I'll have to get uncomfortable
As someone who enjoys being a couch potato, uncomfortable is no fun. Not only will I need to be in pain as I train to get ready, (because I haven't worked out regularly in a couple of years) I will have to step out of my box and ask people for money. Part of participating obviously requires you to raise money to stomp out breast cancer. I will have to stop worrying about what other people think and ask.

Even after writing these out I noticed all of my cons begin with I.
Now to the pros.


1. Avon 39 takes a three pronged approach to attacking breast cancer.
They focus on giving grants to programs that fulfill one of three areas:
  • safety net access-to-care programs for the medically underserved (Breast Cancer Safety Net Program)
  • outreach programs focused on education and screening (Breast Health Outreach Program)
  • scientific research (Breast Cancer Research Program)
So, the money I raise will go to many areas to stop this disease. It feels good to be focused on something that can change so many others' lives. These are all programs that I would love to be well accessible to everyone I know and love.

2. Representing some amazing, beautiful women.
As I watched on Facebook two amazing women go through this disease, I realized how blessed I am. One of my friends, was deployed with her husband in Korea and had to have her mastectomy overseas. I couldn't even imagine how terrifying it was to receive this news in mostly another language. My other friend went through weeks of treatment and then had her surgery. Weeks later, she had to fly back due to an infection. Blessed with relative good health, I have never had either one of these experiences. Thankfully my friend who was in Korea is healthy now and back in the states, but my other friend is still fighting and recovering. These two women have profoundly touched my lives before their illness, and it's been an eye opening experience to watch their fight.

3. Meeting new people.
Knowing a few people who have participated, Avon 39 is a life changing event. You meet so many people as you join them for this walk. Walking 39 miles by yourself can be a lonely experience, but walking with others the stories you hear will be amazing. As you register, people are waiting to be sure to donate. These people want to be apart of your experience. Every turn you are greeting with smiles, cheers, signs, and encouragement to remind you to keep going.

4. Stepping out of my comfort zone
I know this was a con, but it's a pro. I have been very good at remaining in my small sphere in life. As a mom, I tend to focus on my kids in conversations and don't usually reveal a ton about myself. This focuses me to look beyond my family into a cause I truly believe in. I would love to see a world without Breast Cancer for my daughter. If I have to get uncomfortable and go ask for money, then so be it.

5. Getting Healthy
This has been the hardest pro so far. Obviously going from couch to marathon hasn't been a quick process. We just moved and so I am slowly getting used to the new climate. However, slow and steady wins the race. Preparing for this has been an amazing goal. It's one thing to "get healthy" it's another to be able to walk 39 miles in two days. I've never attempted anything like this before, so I'm terrified. But, each day I go to the gym is one day closer.

So, although I am probably going at a much slower pace than most, I will be ready the morning of race day. (in 2017) By doing this I am able to help others, get outside of myself, and be a better mom to my kids.

If you would like to participate in your closest Avon 39 visit: www.Avon39.org

Please subscribe to my blog as I will be sharing my journey in preparing for Avon39


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