Retiring? No Living My Dream!

-By Judith WAH Grandma

“You're Retiring?”, they said! Nooo, I am working my business full­time.

When I announced that I was leaving my job of 16 years (yes my very well paid plus benefits job),
and moving across country with my family to follow my dream, there were lots of comments.
“You really think that Avon thing will work out for you?” It has paid for a lot in the last 7 years so
yes I think it will. “You'll be back. No one walks from this job and this money.” Hmmm, and this stress and uncertainty, yes I can!

But my favorite....”You're Retiring?” Truly made me want to scream! Is anyone listening? I have
a business and now I will be working my business full­time! No more bosses, no more time
clocks, I make the rules, I can actually live by my code of ethics and morals.
Don't get me wrong, I loved my job and my co­workers and peers were and are some of the best
people in the world. But the casino industry is a fickle mistress. It is a world of fast paced
decisions all directed at getting the money legally out of the hands of the customer as fast as you
can. And, when you work with the big players, it is also about politics and extreme customer
service, confidentiality and way to much knowledge. It is like walking the plank with sharks on
both sides. And the stress can kill you. And I had really had enough! I longed for the time I could take holidays off to spend with my family. Saturday bar-­b­-ques and Sunday church ending with a drive in the country. Stay up later and start work later the next day, too.

The beauty of owning a home­-based business is that I can have all those things. Oh, I still work
hard but now I am building it into my life and lifestyle. There are bumps in the road and turns I
never saw coming. There have also been some truly awesome moments since I took that step.
Like, sharing with my grand­ children the places I have been as we crossed the country to our new
home. And watching their eyes light up when they see the things I have told them about. Or
making plans for the spring and summer that include travels to Philadelphia and Washington D.C.
And of course the plans for our simple vegetable garden, “grandma we have to have cucumbers
and tomatoes!”, are underway even as snow sits on the ground.

I work 30-­40 hours a week and I truly did not think we would be starting from scratch. After all,
we had a thriving business in Las Vegas and a growing team of reps in our line. Thank the Lord
there is Internet and it has been a great help. Some of our customers stayed with us and still order
regularly but it has been our greatest task to gain new customers here while still growing our team
for the future. I say “our” because my daughter-­in­-law and I are partners. And, we are very
blessed to be able to work and live together.

So, Retire? Not for me! I would be bored to tears!

Want to work at home for yourself? Join our team and I will support you the whole way.


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