Is it too late to try something new?

Musings from the WAHG (Work at Home Grandma), she left her executive position in a Las Vegas Casino to go on this grand adventure with the family. 

Well we have been in Pennsylvania 1 month! Counting the month of packing and prep to get here along with the week of driving, We have been behind for over 2 months!
Now that we are settled, we must begin again to grow our customer base. Avon is mobile and we hope to continue servicing some of our customers in Las Vegas via our website, but we have lost a great deal at a time when I must count on my earnings with Avon for everything. After all, I could not bring my job with me!
So we begin again with the ideas and tools we have always used to build and 'work' our business. We have walked around our neighborhood everyday this week and put books on doors. We are wearing our badges and buttons and talking to everyone we meet. We asked our district manager for old books and we prepare flyers introducing ourselves to go with them in 'clear plastic literature bags' to put out the next day.
As we begin again, I thought this might be great to share. Perhaps it could help each of you in some way to build or grow your business. Maybe even inspire you to try just a bit harder to make your dreams come true. I know I am.

#begin #again #newstart #businessstart #Avon #newbusiness #new #businessgrowth #moving #change #saf


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