Can Avon work in a Busy Schedule?
Are you too busy for Avon? Can Avon fit in my schedule?
Musings from a WAHG
We have been in Pennsylvania for just a few days short of 3 months. I can't believe so much time has passed! As a family, the grands are in school, scouts , soccer and tae kwon do. We drop them at school at 8:35am and begin our workday which "sort of" ends when we pick them up at 3:20 and head for all the after school 'stuff'.
Boy do we get a lot done during that time!! We throw books, go door to door, business to business and even person to person. We have done several events in different small towns around us, craft and gift shopping events and fundraising events. We worked for our district manager at the holiday event doing set-up and I was honored to be asked to speak at both the 1 and 6pm event times. We have met and networked with many local reps and gotten info, ideas and inspiration from them.
We have gone out with our DSM recruiting as well as on our own. In these months we have recruited 11 new people and earned about 20 new customers. It is good some days and hard other days! But we know that what we do today may not show results until next month or even later. Still, our foundation will be strong!
We have two events at local colleges in November, a job fair next week and another craft and holiday shopping event in November. We are hitting the fire depts next week to start pushing our fundraising elephant to them for their toy drive. And starting to ask about tables at local stores and restaurants for the same purpose.
What have you done lately to grow and make money? More importantly, what is that one love of Avon that keeps you going? Mine is the ability to learn, grow and teach others how to do the same.
#busy #schedule #Avon #timemanagement #work #makingitwork #moving #change #wahg
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