Stand up to dating violence. Stand with young women everywhere.As a mother of a two tweens, I am highly nervous as the dating years come upon us. Letting your child entrust another child with their emotional needs is an unnerving prospect. I would like to say I lived a charmed life, but as a teen I encountered lots of dating violence in many instances.

When your in love with someone, the idea they would think about hurting you is farther from your mind. Especially when your a teen trying to navigate through hormones and challenges in life. Watching my tweens start to begin having "crushes" and coming home talking about how their crush may or may not have crushed their feelings that day, I realized the dating days are fast approaching.

I am trying to show them they are worth loving and far more valuable now. Always a believer of cup-filling, I try to make sure they are secure in themselves. My husband does a great job with both my kids but especially my daughter letting her know she is beautiful and loved. I try to continue to nurture my son in acceptance and love as he is beginning to need time to shine as a young man.

So, stopping dating violence is rapidly becoming a very strong cause for me. As I have been browsing through our Avon products, I've always been aware of this group m.powerment by mark. But, now that I dig in deeper, I am realizing how vitale this is for me and my children. Helping equip women and men to stop dating violence will be a very big need in my future. I am highly impressed with mark's commitment to this cause.

Through education in the hands of students and women at many levels. m.powerment by mark has the beginnings of stopping a viscous cycle of abuse. They have raised over 1.5 million for the STOPPING of DATING VIOLENCE and helping victims recover and move ahead stronger.

The beautiful bracelets Lucy Hale is wearing in the following picture is the mark Mighty Pretty M.Powerment bracelets. These bracelets are sold for $25.00 with 100% of the net profits going toward the m.powerment foundation. ($20.92) You can click on Lucy's picture to order today!


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