10 Essentials to Pack from a Seasoned Soccer Mom

The kids heading back to school, brings on my favorite season, SPORTS. Having a weekly routine that requires me to sit in the fresh air and watch my kids get stronger and having fun, best time ever. However, sometimes, if I am unprepared, this turns into a nightmare. So, I have learned my essentials I have to have on me in order to ensure an awesome practice or game.

As a 12 season soccer mom, I have tried every pre-soccer system to ensure I'm prepared. In the beginning, I brought everything I could think of. I felt like I lugged a suitcase every practice and game.  Then, I rebelled and didn't carry anything. Finally, I found a happy medium. These items are sometimes in my purse, in my car, and sometimes in my son's soccer bag. Once packed they can be left in the bags, that way when it's time to get out the door, it is so much easier.  

10. Extra socks, flip flops, and a plastic bag

You would be amazed at how stinky those sporty feet will get. Also, they tend to pick up interesting critters on their cleats. So, to keep your car clean and smell free, a quick shoe change helps preserve your nose and your car.

9. Foot deodorant powder or spray

My son has some allergies, so we prefer the powder. When he switches into clean socks he sprinkles this in his socks and his cleats, it helps dry up the moisture from sweat and keeps the entire ride complaint free from my daughter. This also helps with cleanliness and hygene, especially necessary for tween boys.
Avon has a great powder on sale right now for $2.49. CLICK on the picture to check it out.

8. Fruit Snacks and Fruit

I cannot say how many rides home have been a horror fest as my kids blood sugar tanked before dinner. The 100% Juice Welch's fruit snacks have saved our lives many times. Kids love them,, and it gives them a little sugar without going crazy. They burn so many more calories in their workouts with their high burning metabolisms, they need the quick sugar. I suggest this over fruit as it does not spoil and can be left in your purse. If you have the forethought to cut some oranges (always choose oranges and grapes over bananas as bananas can cause cramps), then you are ahead of the game.

7. Extra bottle of Water

This is the one item to grab out of the fridge or fill quickly before you hit the door. I cannot say how many times my son has drank through his water and was still thirsty, or maybe one of his friend's forgot their water. Having two on hand will be great insurance against dehydraytion.

6. Lip Balm

Although it's a small area, games can cause us to have very chapped lips. You need to protect them from sunburn and exposure to all the other elements. (It gets VERY windy on soccer fields). Be sure to put some on your athlete, as his or her sweat will also be chapping and burning his or her lips. One of my favorites is Avon's Care Deeply Lip Balm with Aloe. It's on sale for only .99, click on the picture to check it out.

5. Small First Aid Kit

Johnson & Johnson Products Mini First Aid Kit (Pack of 12 Pieces)
We all want our kids to be tough, but if they are playing sports they will get hurt. Sometimes, hurt enough a quick antiseptic and band-aid is all they need. However, you would be amazed at how many people DON'T have a first-aid kit. My favorite is Johnson and Johnson's First Aid to Go kit. Amazon has it on sale for $3.16. Click on the pic to order.

4. Sunscreen

This one is HUGE. Yes, we are only outside for an hour or so. But, you would be amazed at how direct that sun can be on your back and on your athlete's face. I don't need to recount all of the studies that say skin cancer has been traced to sunburns in childhood. Keeping your kids and yourself safe from the sun needs to be a priority. This is important all year round, as the sun keeps shining in the fall and winter.  My FAVORITE sunscreen is made by Avon. The cream is very non-greasy and doesn't melt into my son's face. He wears glasses and goggles when he plays so this was VERY important. Avon Sun + Sport Refresh Sunscreen Spf 50 on sale for $10.99, the tube will last the whole season. 

Click on the pic to order.


I'll never forget the after game coming home to find a caterpillar crawling up my staircase after our cooler from having game snacks was resting on the stairs. My daughter still recalls the creature with horns. HAHA! So, we always remember Bug Spray especially for those dusk practices, as the sun is setting the bugs are rampant. Avon has a great DEET free product we use and LOVE. It's made using the classic SSS oil, which for years has had a side benefit of repelling bugs. This also has sunscreen so it fulfills two needs in one. Avon also has this product available in wipes. Click on either pic to check it out. SSS Bug Guard Plus is on sale for $7.99 in various forms.

2. A Pack of Wipes

So many times, my son or daughter have come into the car wishing they could just wipe down. They proceeded to get grumpy as they felt sweaty and stinky. I'm not saying wipes will resolve this completely, but the act of refreshing themselves will help cool them off. Once they are cooler they can enjoy the adrenaline benefit and transition back home.

1. Reality Check

The process of sports involves lots of money and energy on our part. We are so excited to see our little person out using his energy and maybe talents on the field. It is very EASY to forget their are only kids, and they have lots to learn. Be sure to reinforce all the amazing things they did at practice, and do not bring up the times they missed the ball. Studies have shown parental support has been linked to student's success in sports. Plus, who wants their parent to be the one screaming at the referee? Talk about embarrassing. Let's not forget this is only a game. 


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