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Adaptable, Flexible, Accepting.. all of these terms are super easy to say and claim we are until it's time to actually show it. Isn't it always the way that when life starts getting overly comfy, a pebble or boulder is thrown into the stream. When faced with a change upcoming how adaptable are you?

My favorite Song of All Time!

We have a possible life-changing event coming up in our life. At first I asked myself why? Why can I not stay in  my comfy arena of life. Keep going down the road that makes sense and requires less work? The little kid in me wanted to drag my heels leaving tracks screaming "no NO NO". As a child I went through lots of changes and was actually quite adaptable considering the circumstances. I dealt with loss, moving, and new family dynamics with grace. So, I will utilize my past as I forge forward as an adult into changing the trajectory of my life. The adult in me is excited for the crazy adventure and terrified all at the same time.

How many time have you wanted to dig your heels in? Have you left tracks across your home, yard, or even loved ones? Was your inability to adapt worth the damage left? People's inability to change and roll with the punches has been a huge detriment to the society we live in as a whole.

What I love about my Avon business it requires me to move forward. The Avon lady of yesteryear and the Avon lady of today are two different people. Today's Avon lady is on the move still providing amazing service but blogging, posting, tweeting all the latest news from Avon. The door knocking has translated into Starbucks meetings, virtual conference calls, and Facebook Groups. I love the fact that Avon has adapted to these changes and have fully embraced the digital age. You can truly work from home with Avon and depending on your area, do it completely online. Avon of the yesteryear there were territories, which left the newer representative terrified as they didn't know whose toes they were stepping on. Also, Avon of yesteryear didn't make moving locations easy. Once you moved you lost all your customer base. Now, there are no territories. You can easily go out and meet new people to convert to clients anywhere you go. Plus, with online access, moving your Avon business is super easy.

So, as I approach this possible life-changing event in my life, I am allowing my inner child the chance to stomp her feet for a minute. However, I know I embrace the adventure in my life and my business will come with me.


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