TIME!!! A precious commodity, how I'm getting it BACK!

Time.... the one thing moms always need more of

When we were kids the days seemed endless. There was playtime, chore time, and school time. Spending four hours a day on video games just was fine. No worries, no real cooking or cleaning or responsibility. Some days, I really want to be 8 again. Just so I can do the things I want to do and play before reality smacks me in the face. I love watching my kids play in their rooms with Legos, crafts, Barbies, and various other toys. They enter into worlds that sometimes seem bygone in our time. 

We have now entered a time where work all day has become the norm. Moms and Dads work hours on end to provide for their families. Families have to work together in order to make sure kids have what they need.

Image result for clock clip art
 I've been a working 50 hours of the week mom, and then I was a work at home mom. 
Somehow, I thought when I dreamed at my desk at work that I would have endless amounts of time working from home. All those hours, at my 10-8 job I could spend getting so much accomplished. Oh, the house will be cleaned, my Avon business will explode (which it did), and I will have homemade meals on the table every night with fresh apple pie. (HA)

So, somewhere between reality and my dreams, I've discovered what seems to be the only truth. I have as much time as I think I have. If I decide I don' have enough time and I am always busy, then it seems like I am always chasing my tail. Reaching an OMG moment, and after watching a TED talk on by Kelly McGonigal on stress I realized I have been deciding I am always out of time. I also have added the 'stressed out' aspect where frazzled is now apart of my identity. So, this last week I have begun the painful process of changing my mental habits. From going I don't have time to get it all done, to I have all the time I need. Clipping a few time wasters and attacking my to-do list with this positive mantra has helped.

For all the moms, just remember..You are one person. When your kids remember you they won't remember all the things you done, they will remember who you were. Be with them and be present for them. 


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