The most liberating thing I did...started to disconnect

Today I did the most freeing thing for myself lately. No, I didn't go to a spa, or get my nails done. It was in fact free and only took a few minutes. I turned off my Facebook notifications.

It's so amazing how that little red number on my phone will just drive me insane. I found myself checking for more little red numbers. Just that half-second feeling of being affirmed and not alone in this world seemed to fulfill any low esteem needs I needed. Social networking and connecting with friends and family is a great tool to have in our lives. I however, began to become truly fueled by this Facebook and not in a good way. Between sneaking looks, to spending all my free HOURS watching YouTube videos and reading blogs, I discovered I was beginning to remove myself from the wonderful life in front of me. Work and family time was being sacrificed to the crutch of Facebook. When your kids have to get your attention from your face in the phone you know it's a problem. So, I am beginning the process of starting to disconnect.

No, I'm not going off the grid. I have to continue to grow my Avon business and grow this wonderful blog. Due to the fact that the business I run is a home based business, the reality is I have to be online socially. I have lots of family who read my profile and look for updates on my family. Hermit...not an option.

 So, as many time management professional recommend, I am beginning to be more aware. I decided to not be a servant to my messages and my notifications. I control how I use technology, not let them control me. Through using timers and turning off the crazy notifications, I can properly devote my time to the most important things in my life. Nothing that occurs on Facebook is life and death and hours spent trolling does not benefit my life. So, notifications be gone, and control come here. AHHH.. and it feels so good!


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