Think Outside the box: Summer Ideas to increase your customer base

Gnurf suffering in the heat

Watching the news, I see not only here in the toasty Southwest but all over is experiencing a lovely heat wave! Yeah Summer!! Sometimes we just want to hole ourselves up in our house and not do anything (That is my battle this last week) This will not increase your sales and there are many people out there even in the heat. You just need to talk to people on your daily interactions. Be prepared always have brochures and business cards on hand. Don't go through your routine with tunnel vision, think outside your box and make an effort to talk to 3 new people a day!

-For me the easiest way to start up the conversation is to step outside of my box and just talk. I use kids to make a common ground, however even without kids complementing a purse, necklace, etc is always a great way. Even when I didn't have kids I was able to talk about kids because as soon as you complement someone on their child on how cute, funny, smart, etc they are you have their attention for a brief moment. Start with finding that common ground (the best way is with strangers you don't know them anyways and maybe you will by the time your done with the conversation!) then ask them simply "when's the last time you have seen an Avon book?"

The pool!
-Wherever pool you may go, take brochures with you. You may see the mother who looks dead bored and doesn't want to go get splashed around, or the father who forgot the sunscreen and is running out of his bottle fast. (bring extra bottles of sunscreen to share) Lots of opportunity lie at the pool. Put your brochures, fliers, etc, in little clear baggies and leave a small stack near your bag while you swim with the kids. Make sure to talk to the check in person and give them a brochure as well.

The park!
-Another great place where moms and bringing kids to get cool in this heat. Bring brochures and maybe a cooler with water or juice and offer them a drink? Ask the parents if their kids can have a Capri sun? With the drink they get a brochure to look at

 The play area at fast food restaurants!
  -My son is a rambunctious boy and both he and my daughter are VERY social so they make this one very easy. Usually he is running over to the other parents tables and following whomever he is playing, so once he runs off it leaves me a chance to talk to the other parents laugh about our kids and how silly they are.

Anywhere you hand off money
Thank your waiters and waitresses for the great service and ask them if they know of anyone looking for a part time job? People who work at the store, bank teller, doctor's office, anywhere they have to deal with the public. As Erika Woolbright SEUL says "They are a great place to start as they are paid to be nice to me."
graphic design experience

We need to hear NO! It will actually make us better. Plus, it takes lots of Nos to get a yes. Every time you begin a conversation with someone new, you will get stronger and more confident each time. So, don't be scared of the no you may get when stepping outside your box. That No just gets you one step closer to a YES!!

The more you reach out, the more people will know you. You increase your base of people you know and they begin to recognize you for your business. If you are friendly, helpful and come across as a confident person who can do the business well they will tell others about their great AVON (fill in your business here) lady (or guy)! This is the hardest step in direct sales for me, reaching beyond who I know to the realm of the unknown. Yet, it has really helped us establish success.

So, even with the heat you too can increase your customer base! Just Think and Step Outside your Box!


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