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Start your own AVON business
NEED $$$? Start your own business with AVON for $10!!
This is the company
that puts mascara on lashes and food on tables,
that fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer
with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip,
but still opens its mouth and speaks out against
Domestic Violence and for women’s financial independence.
This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors,
but also opens them. The company that supports approximately
6.4 million Representatives in over 100 countries. This is Avon.
The company that for more than 125 years has stood for beauty,
innovation, optimism and above all for women.
Tired of
living paycheck to paycheck? Want to actually be able to spend time with
your kids? Want to do something that really matters to your future and
theirs? That was me since the day they were born. Now, I am growing my
own business and it is actually working (I used to laugh when people
told me it was possible). Avon
allowed me to work from home and be able to do all the things I wanted
to coach soccer teams, cubscouts, piano, gymnastics, etc. etc. I am here
to mentor other people especially moms like me (I have great ideas for
finding customers with kids) if you are looking
to start with Avon but need a strong support system and someone who
will mentor you then sign up with me today! Just go to use Ref Code:jcroteau
That will link you to me and we will work together growing your own
business. You won't be alone in this journey as I am here to help you
achieve your dreams!